What Happened On The Human Body Sleeping?

Humans spend about one-third his age to sleep. Sleep is not merely rest, but far from it there are process improvements in all organs of the body. What happens to the body during sleep?
Not just resting the muscles, during sleep the body undergoes repair and detoxification (remove toxins). Sleep also gives an opportunity for the immune system to produce hormones immunity (immune system).
Poor sleep patterns associated with poor health as well. Chronic sleep deprivation leads to numerous health problems like high blood pressure, obesity, depression, irregular hormone production, immune system weakness, memory loss, irritability and decreased concentration.

Here are some things that happen in human organs during sleep as reported by Dailymail, Wednesday (29/12/2010):
1. BrainAlthough looks passive, not active and brain activity decreased about 40 percent, but the brain remains very active as long as you sleep.
A typical night's sleep consists of five different sleep cycles, each lasting about 90 minutes. Four of the first phase of each cycle is considered as quiet sleep or non-rapid eye move-ment (NREM). The last stage called rapid eye movement or rapid eye movement (REM).
During the first stage of sleep is the brain waves of small undulations. During the second stage, these waves are interspersed with electrical signals called sleep spindles, the small bursts of activity lasting a few seconds and make the situation calm.
The third stage occurs a large slow waves, the bigger and slower brain waves eat sleep will deepen. At stage four, 50 percent of brain wave slowing. At this point, 40 percent of normal blood flow in the brain was transferred to the muscle to restore energy.
REM sleep is the highest level of brain activity. This phase is usually associated with dreams, triggered by the pons, which is part of the brainstem that send nerve impulses between the spinal cord and brain.
2. EyeAlthough closed, the eye during sleep can keep moving. Eye movements showed a difference in the stages of sleep, the most rapid movement occurs during REM sleep (rapid eye movement).
3. HormoneDuring waking, the body burns oxygen and food to provide energy. This condition is called catabolic rate is dominated by stimulation of adrenal hormones and kortisteroid.
But during sleep, the hormone system will switch on anabolic phase, ie the conversion of energy to the improvement and growth. At this stage the level of the hormone adrenaline and corticosteroids down and the body begins producing growth hormone (human growth hormone or HGH), melatonin, as well as sex hormone testosterone, fertility hormones, FSH (follicle-stimulating hormone and the hormone LH (luteinizing hormone).
HGH encourage the growth, maintenance and repair muscles and bones by facilitating the use of amino acids. While melatonin is a hormone produced to help people to sleep. This hormone is secreted by the pineal gland deep within the brain, it helps control body rhythms and sleep-wake cycle.
4. Immune SystemAn increasing production of immune system and certain proteins during sleep, as a certain agent who fight the disease. Cancer killer called TNF (tumor necrosis factor) is also pumped through the blood vessels during sleep. This is cause enough sleep can help fight infection.
5. Body temperatureAt night, the body temperature along with the adrenaline began to fall. Sweating may occur as the body's attempt to try to combat heat loss.
6. SkinDuring deep sleep, accelerated rates of skin metabolism and many body cells show increased production and reduced damage to proteins. This is what causes a good night's sleep can beautify the skin.
7. RespiratoryWhen asleep, the throat muscles will relax so that the narrow throat every time breathing the air. Snoring occurs when the throat narrows and part of the air passages vibrate.
8. MouthSaliva is necessary to lubricate the mouth and to eat. But during sleep, reduced salivary flow, causing dry mouth in the morning. However, the mouth can be very active during sleep, which causes people unconsciously gritting teeth during sleep.
9. MuscleAlthough people can change position to sleep about 35 times a night, the muscles remain relaxed. This provides an opportunity for networks to be repaired and restored.
10. BloodHeart rate decreased between 10 and 30 beats per minute during sleep. This results in a decrease in blood pressure, which occurs in deep sleep. During rest, blood flows from the brain, relaxes the arteries and makes the limbs bigger. The cells and tissues that break down to produce toxic waste also become less active during sleep. This provides an opportunity for damaged tissue to be rebuilt.
11. Digestive SystemDuring sleep, the speed will slow down the digestive system. For this reason, eating late at night is not recommended because the enzymes and stomach acid which is used to convert food into energy is not running, so it can accumulate in the body of calories.
