Stroke is the leading cause of death kececatan and primary. Stroke is a neurological dysfunction (paralysis of limbs, speech disturbances, impairment of consciousness), which occurs suddenly due to circulatory disorders of the brain stroke data from the Organization of the world (World Stroke Organization) meyatakan that the incidence of stroke increased sharply in developing countries. The study also showed that mortality and disability were also higher in developing countries. The high number of new stroke events and disability in developing countries (like Indonesia) can not be separated from the development of the myth is wrong in this stroke.Berikut masayrakat about is a myth that is often encountered in the community:
1. Stroke occurs only in elderly
The fact is: a stroke can strike all ages. The most frequent incidence of stroke is at the age above 50 years, but a stroke can strike all ages. Incidence of stroke in children is commonly caused by abnormalities of blood components and blood vessels that carry from birth, and not related to lifestyle (high blood cholesterol, obesity, and smoking) as in the adult population.
2. Stroke is more common in men
Fact: stroke affect women and men with the same proportion. A large-scale epidemiological study by Seshadri (2007) even revealed that stroke is more common in women. Incidence of stroke is 1 in every 5 women and 1 in every man. The incidence of stroke increased more than 2-fold in women who have blood pressure> 140/90 mmHg. Incidence of stroke in women increases sharply in post-menopausal age. It is associated with loss of vascular protective effects by the hormone estrogen.
3. Stroke can only occur in hypertension pencderita
Fact: stroke risk factors are multifactorial. O Risk factors for stroke that can be changed are age, gender, race, and family history of stroke. There is also a risk factor for stroke that can be controlled are: hypertension, diabetes, smoking and high blood cholesterol levels. Someone may just have a normal blood pressure, but have other stroke risk factors (diabetes, smoking, and family history of stroke). In such cases, stroke can still occur. Hypertension is a major risk factor for stroke, but not the only risk factor for stroke.
4. Stroke can not be prevented
The fact is: a stroke can be prevented. Prevention of stroke starts with knowing the risk factors for stroke. Control of major stroke risk factors is to lower blood pressure, quitting smoking, normalizing blood cholesterol levels, and reduce excess weight. Changes in lifestyle by eating more fruits and vegetables, avoiding smoking, exercising, and reducing the stree highly recommended. In certain cases it is also necessary interventions drugs to achieve blood pressure and blood cholesterol is normal.
5. Stroke can not be treated
The fact is: a stroke can be treated. Optimal treatment of stroke is a race against time. The faster it gets sufficient help, the more likely spared from death and disability due to stroke. Problems that arise are less familiar symptoms of a stroke. The deadline for optimal stroke treatment is 3 to 4.5 hours after the attack. Stroke should be suspected in cases of nerve function disorders (paralysis, kesulitasn bicaa, Perot's face, and decreased consciousness) that occurred unexpectedly. Optimal stroke treatment tailored to the type of pathology of stroke (blockage or stroke hemorrhagic stroke), then the stroke patients should be treated in hospitals with imaging facilities (imaging) of adequate (minimum of head CT scans). Adequate hospital must provide stroke services 24 hours a day and 7 days a week. Stroke patients should be treated in a multidisciplinary stroke unit with a trained health worker study showed that stroke patients treated in stroke units had a mortality and disability rates are less.
6. Stroke is the end of everything
The fact is: a stroke is not the end of everything. The death rate from stroke varied between 20% -30%. This means that there will be 70% of survivors of stroke. Survivors of stroke is known as "the stroke survivors." The stroke survivors have varying degrees of disability, from mild to severe. The handling of these defects requires good rehabilitation measures. Research shows the concept of neuroplasticity that allows improvement of nerve function up to 6 months post stroke. 6 months is what should be pursued to achieve optimal recovery. The stroke survivors also have to continuously improve the lifestyle and taking medication regularly to prevent a stroke back.
1. Stroke occurs only in elderly
The fact is: a stroke can strike all ages. The most frequent incidence of stroke is at the age above 50 years, but a stroke can strike all ages. Incidence of stroke in children is commonly caused by abnormalities of blood components and blood vessels that carry from birth, and not related to lifestyle (high blood cholesterol, obesity, and smoking) as in the adult population.
2. Stroke is more common in men
Fact: stroke affect women and men with the same proportion. A large-scale epidemiological study by Seshadri (2007) even revealed that stroke is more common in women. Incidence of stroke is 1 in every 5 women and 1 in every man. The incidence of stroke increased more than 2-fold in women who have blood pressure> 140/90 mmHg. Incidence of stroke in women increases sharply in post-menopausal age. It is associated with loss of vascular protective effects by the hormone estrogen.
3. Stroke can only occur in hypertension pencderita
Fact: stroke risk factors are multifactorial. O Risk factors for stroke that can be changed are age, gender, race, and family history of stroke. There is also a risk factor for stroke that can be controlled are: hypertension, diabetes, smoking and high blood cholesterol levels. Someone may just have a normal blood pressure, but have other stroke risk factors (diabetes, smoking, and family history of stroke). In such cases, stroke can still occur. Hypertension is a major risk factor for stroke, but not the only risk factor for stroke.
4. Stroke can not be prevented
The fact is: a stroke can be prevented. Prevention of stroke starts with knowing the risk factors for stroke. Control of major stroke risk factors is to lower blood pressure, quitting smoking, normalizing blood cholesterol levels, and reduce excess weight. Changes in lifestyle by eating more fruits and vegetables, avoiding smoking, exercising, and reducing the stree highly recommended. In certain cases it is also necessary interventions drugs to achieve blood pressure and blood cholesterol is normal.
5. Stroke can not be treated
The fact is: a stroke can be treated. Optimal treatment of stroke is a race against time. The faster it gets sufficient help, the more likely spared from death and disability due to stroke. Problems that arise are less familiar symptoms of a stroke. The deadline for optimal stroke treatment is 3 to 4.5 hours after the attack. Stroke should be suspected in cases of nerve function disorders (paralysis, kesulitasn bicaa, Perot's face, and decreased consciousness) that occurred unexpectedly. Optimal stroke treatment tailored to the type of pathology of stroke (blockage or stroke hemorrhagic stroke), then the stroke patients should be treated in hospitals with imaging facilities (imaging) of adequate (minimum of head CT scans). Adequate hospital must provide stroke services 24 hours a day and 7 days a week. Stroke patients should be treated in a multidisciplinary stroke unit with a trained health worker study showed that stroke patients treated in stroke units had a mortality and disability rates are less.
6. Stroke is the end of everything
The fact is: a stroke is not the end of everything. The death rate from stroke varied between 20% -30%. This means that there will be 70% of survivors of stroke. Survivors of stroke is known as "the stroke survivors." The stroke survivors have varying degrees of disability, from mild to severe. The handling of these defects requires good rehabilitation measures. Research shows the concept of neuroplasticity that allows improvement of nerve function up to 6 months post stroke. 6 months is what should be pursued to achieve optimal recovery. The stroke survivors also have to continuously improve the lifestyle and taking medication regularly to prevent a stroke back.