Origins The word "SPAM"

The word "spam" comes from SPAM. Melepasmu! Soon ... SPAM is short for Spiced Ham. SPAM is a brand of canned meat. How come the name of canned meat used to refer to junk e-mail?
This story by the Internet Society, a non-profit organization that provides guidance in terms of standards, education, and policies on the Internet.
In the 1970s BBC comedy shows in Monty Python's Flying Circus sketch show called Spam. The sketch is set in a cafe with canned meat SPAM branded as one option in the menu. In the sketch, when the waiter read the SPAM on the menu, comes the background song called for by the Viking people, "SPAM, SPAM, SPAM, SPAM, lovely SPAM! Wonderful SPAM! "
It was, it was predictable why those words could mean like now?
In 1980, the term is used in an online newsletter and in the Multi-User Dungeon (MUD), a virtual space that contains a lot of people. When that person just repeat the word "Spam", imitating the Monty Python sketch. In the chat room People Link or AOL in the early days, excerpts from a sketch on the BBC is often fills the screen.
Spam could be "ASCII art", one result is a picture made of numbers, letters, and other characters. Pictures of ASCII that can fill the screen. People in a chat room often use ASCII picture to "expel" the new arrivals so long chat members can continue. ASCII images are also often used for the war in the chat room. In the past, communities often attacked Star Wars Star Trek community chat rooms with picture-ASCII and vice versa. The attacks succeed when the people who attacked out of chat rooms. This attack was known also by the term "flood" (flooding) or "menyampah" (trashing).
In 1993, an experimental software for releasing dozens of messages into newsgroupnews.admin.policy. In 1998, the Oxford Dictionary definition of spam by adding "The message without meaning or unworthy sent on the Internet on a number of newsgroups or users."
