Habit 1: Be Proactive
Being proactive is more than just taking the initiative. Being proactive means to be responsible for our own behavior (in the past, in the present, and in the future), and make choices based on the principles and values ​​rather than on the mood or circumstance. Proactive people are agents of change and choose not to become victims, to not be reactive, to not blame others. They do this by developing and using the four unique human gifts - self awareness, conscience, imagination, and free will - and by using the approach from the inside out to create change. They were determined to be the creative driving force in their own lives, which is the most fundamental decisions that can be taken per person.
Habit 2: Referring to the End
Everything is created twice - first mentally, physically second. Individuals, families, teams and organizations, shaping the future of each by first creating the vision and objectives of each project it mentally. They are not live their lives day after day without clear goals in their minds. Mentally they identify the principles, values, relationships, and goals are most important to their own and make a commitment to yourself to do it. A mission statement is the highest form of mental creation, which can be prepared by an individual, family, or organization. Pernyataaan this mission is a major decision, because the underlying other decisions. Creating a common culture of the mission, vision, and values, is the essence of leadership.
Habit 3: First things first President
Putting the main thing is the creation of both a physical. Putting the primary means to organize and carry out, what the mental creation (your goals, your vision, your values, and your priorities.) Secondary things do not come first. The main points are not dikebelakangkan. Individuals and organizations focus on what is most important, whether urgent or not. The point is to keep the main thing the main.
Habit 4: Think Win / Win
Think win / win is a way of thinking that trying to achieve mutual benefit, and is based on mutual respect in all interactions. Think win / win is based on the abundance - "cake" is forever enough, opportunity, wealth and resources are plentiful - rather than on scarcity and competition. Think win / win means not thinking selfishly (win / lose) or like a martyr (lose / win). In working life and family, its members think interdependent - with the term "we" instead of "I". Think win / win solution to the conflict and help encourage each individual to seek solutions that are equally beneficial. Think win / win means to share information, power, recognition, and rewards.
Habit 5: Seek First to Understand, New Understood
If we listen carefully, to understand others, rather than to respond, we begin true communication and relationship building. If others feel understood, they feel affirmed and valued, would open up, so that the opportunity to speak openly and be understood come much more naturally and easily. Trying to understand takes kindness; trying to be understood takes courage. Effectiveness lies in the balance between them.
Habit 6: Realize Synergies
Synergy is about producing a third alternative - not my way, not your way, but a third way that is better than the way each of us. Utilizing the existing differences in solving problems, taking advantage of opportunities. The teams and families that synergistically leverages the power of each individual so that the whole is greater this way waive mutual harm (1 + 1 = 1 / 2). They are not satisfied with the compromise (1 + 1 = 1 ½), or just co (1 + 1 = 2). Rather, they are pursuing a creative collaboration (1 + 1 = 3 or more).
Habit 7: Sharpen the Saw
Sharpening the saw is about constantly renewing ourselves in the four basic areas of life: physical, social / emotional, mental, and spiritual. Habit is what increases our capacity to apply separately other effective habits. For an organization, Habit 7 promote vision, renewal, continuous improvement, awareness of fatigue or deterioration of morals, and position the organization in the way of new growth. For a family, Habit 7 enhance the effectiveness of past activities of individuals and families on a regular basis, such as forming the traditions that stimulate the spirit of family renewal.
Emotional Bank Account
Emotional Bank Account reflects the level of trust in a relationship. As the financial accounts at the bank, we enter the deposits into or withdrawals from this account. Acts such as trying to understand it first, generous attitude, keep their promises, and be faithful even if the person is not present, increase the balance of the trust. Not generous, violate a promise, and gossiping about someone who is not present, reducing or even eliminating the trust in a relationship.
The paradigm is the way each person views the world, which is not necessarily match the reality. Paradigm is a map, not the territory.
