Found, that Able Antibodies Against HIV Virus
Recent research held by the University of Melbourne managed to uncover immunity against HIV. They then develop a vaccine to build up antibodies against the virus.
By analyzing the role of human antibodies called ADCC in HIV patients, researchers were able to identify the involvement of the virus with antibodies.
Professor Stephen Kent and one of his colleagues said, "ADCC antibodies have strong implications in protection against HIV in several vaccine trials, but their role is not understood with certainty."
"These results show the HIV virus is very easy to move, but it proved too ADCC antibodies capable of preventing the virus to grow more quickly and make it weak," said Kent.
It also seems, a good ADCC antibodies could really be used to fight the infection through vaccine and stop it. The results of this study was published in May 2011 issue of the journal PNAS.
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