Wrinkles on the face seems to be the most frightening thing for women. But you need not worry, it turns out wrinkles on the face can be prevented and reduced simply by drinking water.
Water has many health benefits of both and also the skin beauty. As quoted in the Times of India, a doctor and nutritionist stated that drinking at least eight glasses of water a day to maintain facial skin rejuvenation. Drinking water with a large number also believed to moisturize the skin also keep acne and wrinkles on the face.
In placebo-controlled trial, some women were asked to drink as much as half a liter of water for eight weeks without changing his lifestyle. Some of them drank the water and the rest drank mineral water willow, natural mineral water sourced from lakes in the UK which contain salicin (anti-inflammatory or inflammation resulting from willow bark) that serves as an aspirin.
The purpose of these experiments is to see how many wrinkles are diminished and lost, compare the texture of the skin before and after the experiment and see the damage caused by the sun.
The results after the experiment was very surprising. 19 percent of wrinkles are owned by women who drank plain mineral water decreases. Sedangkang 24 percent of wrinkles are drink mineral water reduced in women who Willow.