Black and white television was not called a color tv, right? Makes sense. However, it turns the question above is one of the most debated issues.
If you are asked a scientist, you will get answers of physics: "Black is not a color, white is the color." Asked the artist, you'll get a different answer: "Black is the color, while white is not". Oops, whichever is correct?
Let's look at from several perspectives. First, we must return to the basic understanding of how colors are created. There are two examples of how colors come into existence: real objects and objects are not real (in tv).
Real object color is the result of pigment or coloring agent molecules. For example, women face the color below is the result of molecules on the surface of his skin color.
Also, the color of women's paintings below are the results of the red pigment used to create images.
If you are asked a scientist, you will get answers of physics: "Black is not a color, white is the color." Asked the artist, you'll get a different answer: "Black is the color, while white is not". Oops, whichever is correct?
Let's look at from several perspectives. First, we must return to the basic understanding of how colors are created. There are two examples of how colors come into existence: real objects and objects are not real (in tv).
Real object color is the result of pigment or coloring agent molecules. For example, women face the color below is the result of molecules on the surface of his skin color.
Also, the color of women's paintings below are the results of the red pigment used to create images.
Meanwhile, the color of objects seen on your television set or computer monitor is the color of light. If you do not know the difference, look at your television screen or monitor closely, very closely. Can also use a magnifying glass. This is what your about to see.
The colors on the computer or television created by photons of light that are sent in electronic systems. Never knew the term RGB monitor? RGB stands for is the Red-Green-Blue, that's three primary colors forming additives in it.
There should also be understood about the primary colors of pigment, which is three colors that can not be made by mixing other colors. The three colors are red, blue, and yellow.
There should also be understood about the primary colors of pigment, which is three colors that can not be made by mixing other colors. The three colors are red, blue, and yellow.
Once you know about two different categories of color (pigment and light) and the definitions of primary colors, answers a question of whether black and white color can now be answered.
What is black and white is the color when produced by the light?
Answer additive color theory:
1. Black is the absence of color and because it is not a color. When no light, all black. For example a computer monitor or tv is dead.
2. White is a mixture of all colors and hence his color. Light in general appear colorless or white. Sunlight is white light composed of all the spectrum of colors, a new look when passing prism. Rainbow is proof.
Are black and white is the color when they are pigment or dye molecules?
Answer pigment theory:
Black is the color. Try asking a chemist and he will confirm.
Here is a simple way to show how black is made: Combine the three primary colors (red, yellow, and blue) using watercolors or food coloring.
You will not get black, but the point is clear, dark. The history of the use of black pigments made from coal, iron, and other chemicals as a source of black color.
So are black and white is the color?
Whoa, there's another one following the final explanation. Colors in the larger context of human vision. Consider the fact that there are three parts to the process of color perception.
1. Media - the color that is as a pigment / dye (like the color of real objects) or as a light (such as color images on television screen).
2. Sender - What color is transmitted.
3. Receiver - How do humans see color. In other words, how we receive information about the color. Does color exist if nobody could see it? The color is due to be seen.
So, if black is the color? Are white is the color?
The final answer is to combine the two theories described above. Pigments and new light half of the answer.
The color of the real thing comes from the dye molecules on their surface. We see the color of the object because he reflects a "color" to the eye.
Is it the color black?
Final Answer: No. Black is not a color. Black body absorbs all the colors of the visible spectrum and does not reflect any spectrum of color to the eye.
Is white a color?
Final Answer: Yes. White is the color. White reflects all colors of the spectrum of light that can be seen by the eye.