Know ye not, what is the difference between the two halves of this brain?
Many people describe the left hemisphere associated with the abilitymathematics and right brain associated with creativity.Both parts of the brain has the tasks that are very different.Both parts of the brain work separately. Both parts of the braincommunicate information through the corpus callosum, which connects them thick.The right brain controls the muscles on the left side of the body and the left brain controls the muscles on the right side of the body.When you blink right eye, your left brain is working. Because Criss-cross wiring,damage on one side of the brain affects the opposite side of the body.The right brain function in terms of equality, fantasy, creativity, shape or space, emotion, music and color.Their memories are long right brain (long term memory).If there is a right-brain damage in diseases such as stroke or brain tumor,then the disturbed brain function is the ability of such visual and emotional.The left brain function in terms of differences, numbers, sequence, writing, language, calculation and logic.Left-brain memory are short term (short term memory). If there is damage to the brainleft there will be disruption in terms of functions of speech, language and mathematics.Based on the strength of their respective functions, means, both human brain function is highlynecessary in the face of life. Similarly, for students, habituation use of bothbrain function is very useful in her journey towards maturity.That way, teachers / lecturers / trainers in teaching the class, any method used,should be based on right and left brain.Doug Hall said, the dominance of people's brains work affect personality:The right brain: humorous, simple, fun, extravagant, more trust intuition,messy-mess, Ede = self-expression, preferring a sense as a solution to the problem,adventurous, dream big, builders shouting, "rule breakers", free, spontaneous.The left brain: a serious, complicated, boring, efficient, more trust a fact, neatly-organized,ide = profitability, preferring science, careful, knowledgeable public, silent supporter,regulators, conservative, predictable.
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