Kim Kardashian Sex Video worth USD 255.3 Billion

Someone reportedly wanted to buy the copyrights to the video s3ks reality show star Kim Kardashian from Vivid Entertainment. Mysterious person was reportedly prepared to pay a record that is priced the initial U.S. $ 30 million (USD 255.3 billion). The mysterious man had hired a lawyer from Tennessee to buy the copyright of the tape. The lawyer had already sent a letter to boss Steve Hirsch's Vivid Entertainment has Kardashian sex tape. "Parties that we represent will not distribute or publish the tape and hope the tape can be stopped circulation," said attorney Adam Dread in a letter sent to Hirsch and TMZ obtained. In response, Hirsch tells TMZ, Wednesday, August 31, 2011, "I do not know who the people behind this offer." Vivid got a copyright on the recording at a price of millions of dollars in 2007. According to Hirsch, is currently negotiating the initial price to the copyright of the tape is U.S. $ 30 million. "If the person is Kim, I am very honored," said Hirsch. "He's got my phone number and can call me anytime." In February 2007, Kardashian record scenes intimate relationship with her boyfriend at the time, Ray J. Video recording was leaked on the Internet and became gossip in cyberspace. Although Kardashian strives to record a duration of 39 minutes is not leaking, the video has been viewed millions of times. Kardashian recently married himself with Kriss Humphries two weeks ago.


How to Find Drivers Netbook, Laptop With Using GoogleBagi long been in the world of martial online, maybe this article

For those who have long been in the world of martial online, maybe this article is not very useful because you would have understood and have been using this trick. But for general users of these tips may be useful if you want to find a driver who happened to be missing or the manufacturer does not provide driver CD.Notebook Driver Search Tips Using Google ImageThese tips can also help you who are confused and just spin on third-party website provider of drivers who actually do not provide a driver you are looking for.Here are the steps to find the driver notebook using Google's search engine:

Open the Google website. We suggest you use Google's International with the address
Keep in mind the official website of the manufacturer of your notebook. Eg tochiba is, Lenovo is and so forth.
If you do not know the official website of the notebook manufacturers, do a search using Google. For example you have a notebook that belonged to "gateway", then type in the word is on the form provided. The most visible outcome of the official website of the manufacturer is

Notebook Driver Search Tips Using Google Image
Furthermore, remember a good type / series your notebook. Toshiba eg C640, then you need to remember is the word c640. Remember also the operating system will you use like Windows XP, Windows 7 or other versions.

Now do a search of the data that you collected earlier. Misalnnya you wish to search from Toshiba C640 WiFi driver for Windows XP, then type the wifi driver c640 windows xp site: or it could be shortened without a word windows.
Notebook Driver Search Tips Using Google Image
The result, at the very top of search results, there are others who have similar problems to those you encounter. Go to page, from there you know the problem is not resolved.
Notebook Driver Search Tips Using Google Image

Press the Back button on your web browser and open search results in the second row. In the second search, it looks like the problem is resolved, you only need to open a link that has been provided by others to mendownlaod driver you are looking for.
Notebook Driver Search Tips Using Google Image

Open the link, and the available options to find drivers from toshiba C640. Just choose the type of notebook and the OS that is used on notebook.It's finished searching using Google. Although the results are not on the website, you still use these tips to find another driver.Besides using the above ways, you can also use other combinations of words in the look for the drivers from the notebook you have. For example, type in search words like the following"Toshiba Wireless C640 driver download""Webcam Lenovo G460 drivers for Windows XP""Toshiba M505 S4972 Modem driver Win 7"The point remains the creative use of search engines and not to get stuck on one site that "pretend" to provide the driver when in fact the manager of the website just want more visitors without ever providing your needs.Good luck and good luck!


In order for More Quality Sleep Tonight

Sleep is one important factor to maintain the health and stability tubuh.Dengan sleep on a regular basis would seem fit body, the face looks radiant, eyes look jernih.Namun contrary, for people who do not have an irregular sleep schedule would be bad for your health, body feels weak weak, red eyes and face pucat.Salah an obstacle to be able to get a healthy sleep and the quality is the presence of excessive workload, the burden of the brain to work it also adds to our difficulty sleeping that finally makes our health menurun.Nah, so how do we get quality sleep? Here are some tips that can be tried.1. Warm water bath"Warm water bath before bedtime can help sleep," said Paul Martin, author of new book Counting Sleep.2. Stay in bed the same timeExperts believe sleep go to bed and wake up at the same time on a regular basis is essential for healthy sleep.3. Drink warm milk before bedDrink warm milk can encourage drowsiness because milk contains elements of driving sleepiness. - Avoid drinking too much alcohol.4. Buying a new bedIf your bed is more than 10 years old, consider replacing it. Bed structure will deteriorate to 70 percent that cause sleep disturbance and possible damage to the spine.5. SexIf you are stressed, worried, or just can not sleep, have sex. There is strong scientific evidence, orgasm pushed out endorphins, a brain chemical released which acts as an effective painkiller.6. Writing tomorrow's tasksDibading you spent the night worried about tomorrow's tasks, you should write a list of tasks in mind, so that the brain is able to rest at night. This prevents the brain active and stop the concern throughout the night.7. Avoid eating before bedEating late at night to stimulate digestion, keep you awake all night. Demand Paul Martin digestion can increase body temperature and make the body and brain work.8. Sleep in a dark room and quietTo ensure a long night sleep and not disturbed, try to sleep in the dark or with lights that are not too bright because the hormone the brain during sleep will be issued for hours in the dark even if you are awake.Well, that's a few things you can try to help maintain the quality of sleep anda.Dengan regular sleep and eating nutritious foods that your body will undoubtedly feel healthy and looking radiant face.


Speed ​​up Mozilla Firefox Currently Browsing

Speed ​​up Mozilla Firefox Tip Buddy is currently BrowsingMozilla broser Firefox is a web that has a very good performance, besides being the best current browser, Mozilla Firefox offers the speed and security in the process of browsing a buddy to do. Until today (when the article was made), Mozilla Firefox has entered the Mozilla Firefox 4.0 Final, which can mate free download at his official site

Tips that I am presenting is actually directly issued by the Mozilla Firefox, so instead I made. I do not require or recommend my friend to do the tweaking of Mozilla Firefox which my friend had. For the risks and problems that arise, I am not responsible. If my friend has made Mozilla Firefox tweaking, it will not be refunded as in the past, because there is no menu option or setting to restore the original system such as Mozilla Firefox, or setting the default.Accelerate Web Browsing / Blog

Ctrl + Enter, to open the domain you use. Com. way is to type the domain name then click ctrl + enter. for example, my friend wanted to open "" so type in "google" and then click ctrl + enter
Shift + Enter, to open the domain you use. Net. way is to type the domain name then click ctrl + enter. for example, my friend wanted to open "" so type in "kabarit" then click shif + enter
Ctrl + Shift + Enter, to open the domain you use. Org. way is to type the domain name then click ctrl + enter. for example, my friend wanted to open "" so type in "byet" then click Ctrl + Shift + Enter
Mozilla Firefox TweakingThe way is easy, here are the steps to perform on Mozilla Firefox Tweak:

Type "about: config" in firefox pal then enter
Then it will come out a setting for tweaking firefox
To change this, click 2 times and enter the data changes
If the data below are not in the default setting firefox, right click select New. For numeric data, select Integer, for true / false select Boolean.
For DSL users

Set "network.http.pipelining: true"
Set "network.http.proxy.pipelining: true"
Set "network.http.pipelining.maxrequests: 64
Set "nglayout.initialpaint.delay: 0
For ADSL users

Set "network.http.max-connections: 64
Set "network.http.max-connections-per-server: 21
Set "network.http.max-persistent-connections-per-server: 8
Set "network.http.pipelining: true"
Set "network.http.pipelining.maxrequests: 100
Set "network.http.proxy.pipelining: true"
Set "nglayout.initialpaint.delay: 0
For Dial Up users

Set "browser.cache.disk_cache_ssl: true"
Set "browser.xul.error_pages.enabled: true"
Set "network.http.max-connections: 32
Set "network.http.max-connections-per-server: 8
Set "network.http.max-persistent-connections-per-proxy: 8
Set "network.http.max-persistent-connections-per-server: 4
Set "network.http.pipelining: true"
Set "network.http.pipelining.maxrequests: 8
Set "network.http.proxy.pipelining: true"
Set "plugin.expose_full_path: true"
Set "signed.applets.codebase_principal_support: true"
Set "content.interrupt.parsing: true"
Set "content.max.tokenizing.time: 3000000
Set "content.maxtextrun: 8191
Set "content.notify.backoffcount: 5
Set "content.notify.interval: 750 000
Set "content.notify.ontimer: true"
Set "content.switch.threshold: 750 000


Tomato Benefit for Skin Beauty

Tomatoes are one type of vegetables that are always available in the kitchen. Besides useful for acid flavor enhancer in cooking, tomatoes are also useful as a natural cosmetic for the skin. Problem of large pores in the skin, acne and dull skin problem it can be overcome with tomatoes. To preserve and maintain healthy skin, it is recommended to eat lots of tomatoes in the intact condition. Tomatoes contain lycopene which is an antioxidant that can work as a sunscreen from the inside.
Antioxidants in tomato fruit can also be useful as an anti-aging in charge of helping to fight cell damage and make the skin color is more pinkish. Therefore, it is advisable to mengasup foods such as tomatoes contain lycopene, a minimum of 16 milligrams per day. Intake may reduce the amount of free radicals in the body and also helps to retain moisture, especially for those who frequently move in a long time in air-conditioned room.
You do not need to spend lots of money and difficulty caring for expensive beauty salon. If you follow the simple steps below, your skin will remain healthy and youthful. The following tips as quoted by the Times of India:
Shrink large pores
Large pores could be access to the entry of dirt thus causing infection of the pores. Take one tablespoon of fresh tomato juice. Add 2-4 drops of fresh lime juice. Use a cotton ball to apply this mixture on your face. Massage in circular motion. Leave on for about 15 minutes and then rinse with cold water. Regular application will shrink the pores faster.
Cure acne
Acidity of tomatoes help reduce the dirt and clean your acne. Vitamin A and vitamin C are commonly found in many acne medications including vegetables and tomatoes are rich in vitamin A, vitamin C and vitamin K. If you have mild acne, cut tomatoes in half and spread to the face. For severe acne mask can be used fresh tomatoes. Make tomato puree or paste and rub on face. Leave for one hour. Rinse and apply moisturizer. Do this on a regular basis or as much as you can. Acne is guaranteed to be dry and re-smooth skin.
Overcoming the oil in the skin
If you have oily skin tomatoes is the solution to your suffering. Grated fresh tomatoes and strain and add a little cucumber juice. Apply the juice with the ball kapaske entire face. Tomatoes can remove blackheads
A tomato and avocado mask could be a combination of good skin care products. Tomato works as a repellent substances and reduce blackheads while the avocado oil has antiseptic and moisturizing effect. Mash tomatoes and add an avocado collisions as a combination cleanser and skin moisturizer. Two of these natural combinations can soothe and cleanse the skin, suitable for oily and dry skin. Rich in vitamins A, C and E. Apply this pack, let stand for 20-30 minutes and wash with warm water.
Overcoming skin inflammation
The sun can burn skin. Often creates the effect of redness, itching and even result from exposure to sunlight. Grate half a tomato and mix with two tablespoons of plain yogurt. Apply this mixture on the face, neck, hands and feet. Rinse after 20 minutes. Tomato cool the skin and neutralize the skin surface, while the yogurt gives the skin a much-needed protein. more soft and supple.
Creating a more radiant skin
Mix honey with tomato juice until it becomes a thick paste. Apply this mixture on the face and the desired skin, wash after 15 minutes to get the skin smooth and glowing.


How to change the look of Windows XP to Windows 7

Windows 7 Theme for Windows XP

We are not going to get our hands on much anticipated Microsoft Windows 7 anytime soon, but we can enjoy the look and feel now on our Windows XP & Vista system's using the "Windows 7 Desktop Theme", Since not much details about the upcoming OS is available, the theme looks very similar to Windows Vista but provide some nice refreshing changes to the same old look.

To install:
  1. Download Windows 7 Theme here >>coming soon at juny
  2. Install "UXTheme Multi-Patcher 6.0.exe" from "UX Theme Patcher" folder.
  3. Double-click "Windows 7 M1 VS.msstyles" in "Theme\Windows 7 M1 VS" folder to instal.


How to change the look of Windows XP to Ubuntu

Ubuntu Customization Pack For Windows XP 

You must have got bored by that look now, so here we have another cool Ubuntu theme pack for windows XP,fresh new customization packs for Windows.

The Ubuntu customization pack contains various component packs including visual styles, Icons, Boot Screen, Cursors, Logon UI, Wallpapers, Screensaver, ubuntu sounds, Clock, 3D Desktop manager and much more for the perfect Ubuntu feel on your windows XP desktop.
  1. Download Ubuntu Customization Pack pack Here [26.1 MB] >>coming soon
  2. Extract all files/folders from the zip.
  3. Follow instructions provided in "How To Use.txt"


how to change the look of xp into mac os x leopard

Mac OS X Leopard Transformation Pack For Windows Xp

Got bored with your old Windows XP interface?, Now you can enjoy Mac OS X Leopard interface on your Windows XP SP2 system using the free "Leopard Mods On XP", unlike many other theme packs this is not just a theme but a full mod changing core system files and behavior.



From Author Site:
This mods pack includes:
- explorer.exe
- shell32.dll
- xpsp2res.dll
- mydocs.dll
- msgina.dll
Important Note:
- Please make backup before replace your system files.
- These mods pack can only work in Windows XP SP2 ONLY (English version, other language doesn't support ).
- Only do in SAFE MOD


Photographs of Osama Bin Laden's Youth

Photographs of Osama Bin Laden's Youth


10 Plan Before Starting a Business

Your status is still employees, but has a side business? You are not alone. Creating a standalone business while still working in an office could be the first step before you decide to stop as people pay.
This approach is widely used by small business owners before they actually decided to plunge as an entrepreneur. Like now, where the economy more difficult would not want to force people to seek additional income because salaries are not sufficient for an office feels that the higher life.
If you are thinking of starting my own business while still working in an office, here are some things you need to consider:
1. Be prepared to go the extra mile
Welcome to the world of night without sleep and rest. No weekends!
Starting your own business must take time and effort. Combining work in an office with a side business has doubled the time, thought and energy, especially in the beginning when you're just memulainya.Anda also still confused perform timing and power is not it?. Generating business certainly requires a lot of thought, strategy and planning.
2.Buatlah schedule needs of the time required for business
It is important to determine whether you really have enough time and energy to work on office work and your business. Realistic thinking about the demands of both your time and commitment, especially if your business requires to meet with clients on a regular basis or you are working on tight deadlines for your job or business or both. In the end, do you still think you can work on your business?
If you are just blogging and use advertising to make money from blogs, then you can only work on your own schedule and can write a new post office after hours was over. But if you're going to start a landscaping business or other businesses that require you to meet with clients, then you need to think how to get around the time between office work with your time a time to meet with clients.
3.Periksa back if your side business demands it will interfere with your work or not
Answering emails from clients during the working hours (from your own smart phone or personal computer) is one thing, but when it requires out of the office for a few hours to meet with clients for your own business is another. Unless you work for a company like Google that allow employees to spend up to 20% of their time on their personal projects, many workplaces will frown on you if you disappear for hours or using office hours to something other than work related.
Unless your job-oriented results that do not require you must come to an important office to no avail. Or if you're running a business after usai hours of work and not collide with office working hours. And if you can not do that, then it is time to rethink your priorities and what you really want to do.
4. Make sure that you do not use office resources for your business.
This is one of the most difficult considerations when working on a full time job and part-time business. Your boss at work you would not want you to use their photocopier, paper and even computers for your business.
Also, do not give your office number to the client. Your office bosses and colleagues will not respect you if they should speak with your business colleagues by using the telephone company. Plus, do not confuse your clients when they call you just hear the telephone operator, "Thank you for calling [company name of your daily work]" when they contact you!
5. Expect business to grow more slowly
And more time focused on office work makes you only have a few extra hours just to dedicate to your business. This limits the potential growth of your business.
If you run a business that requires direct engagement with the client, you will lose clients who want to meet with you during your work time. If you are a blogger, you may be able to do only one post per day, instead of ten if you run your own business. If you are a graphic designer, you can only accept two clients at once, rather than twenty.
6. Be prepared for the stress
If you think that your current job make you enough stress already, start a business and become his own boss even more stressful. Doing two jobs at the same time can provide a lot of stress and pain of migraine.
Imagine this scenario: what if your website suddenly visitornya number down when you're meeting in the office for 2 hours? That means 2 hours of complaining what is wrong with your site, and are in a situation where you can not do anything. Then there are situations where you deal with your current employer give you a mountain of tasks to perform overtime work, when your clients are pressuring you to finish a web site that you created.
7. Labor policy studies from your work
If you keep the value of your work, it is recommended that you review your employer's rules relating to hours of work, resources and even the policy for part-time job.
8. Consider a business ethics
If part of your business is located in the same line of business with your employer - and your goal is to try to get their clients - be careful because it relates to legal and ethical considerations of this approach. This is especially true if you do not have an agreement with the employer in terms of competing for clients.
9. Should you notify your business to the boss
The answer to this question depends on the dynamics, culture, and politics in your work. It also depends on your relationship with your boss, and how he will consider information on how the business operates. This can have both good and bad effects. If your business is completely different from your job, tell your boss about it might give them a different perspective of you as an employee and could give the impression that you have the skills and quality over the daily work that you do not show. A development economist who is doing the work of policy analysis given the task of running an online marketing organization of work after his boss learned that he had run a number of sites.
10. Consider the impact your personal life
By running the office work and business side while at the same time, your time is left to relax with the family will be reduced significantly. You need to consider whether the job and your business will affect your relationship, especially if you have a family.
There are many things you need to consider if you decide to start a business while you are still working in the office. It would be very difficult and you need to prepare for a long road. Do you plan to work on a second job for long or short term, be mindful of ethical and legal considerations. But if and when you decide to run the business together with office work, keep a good relationship with your employer. You will never know whether you will need assistance from your employer, or whether you can turn them into customers for your business is.


Discovery Exclusive Photos Skull Model Monalisa of Leonardo Da Vinci Painting

What is the secret behind Mona Lisa's mysterious smile? You also know the most famous painting in the world. Various controversies reveal this secret. Alleged great so far, the model Monalisa of Leonardo painting is the wife of his own secret. Then finally decided to become a nun at Sion. And others say speculation that Leonardo was gay, and is a reflection of Leonardo's Mona Lisa painting his own personal.

Archaeologists have been digging in Italy and claimed to have discovered the skull woman who posed for Leonardo da Vinci masterpiece. Team excavations revealed over the weekend that they had found the cellar after a search two weeks in an abandoned monastery in Florence.

But the cemetery under the monastery of St. Ursula, believed to be the final resting place of Lisa Gherardini Del Giocondo, has now become a giant female skull.

Here are photos of a model skull Mona Lisa painting by Leonardo da Vinci:


Reveal the Mystery of Charles Darwin Cause of Death

Reveal the Mystery of Charles Darwin Cause of Death The death of Charles Darwin, known through the work of glory "The Origin of Species" as the basic theory of evolution has long been a mystery. In an exposure in the event Historical Clinicopathological Conference, May 6, 2011, death of Darwin's mystery is finally revealed. Sidney Cohen, director of research at Jefferson Medical College in Philladelphia presents the results of his analysis of Darwin's death. He said that Darwin suffered from Chagas disease, Heliobacter pylori infection and cyclic vomiting syndrome. 

According to Cohen, Darwin began to suffer from Chagas disease and parasitic infection when bitten by insects that contain parasites endemic to Argentina on its way. Currently, the disease can be treated with Benznidazole and Nifurtimox.
Meanwhile, the cause vomiting or vomiting syndrome can not be parsed. The possibility that stress-related syndrome and other diseases will be lost if untreated. In the worst moment of the disease, known to Darwin vomit all the food, especially after breakfast.
Darwin is known to travel to South America and Africa, across the Pacific and the Galapagos Islands for 5 years. In his journey, Darwin suffered insect bites that contain parasites endemic to Argentina.
Although suspected that Darwin had heart disease, but the insect bites that spurred the emergence of another disease that is to say the main cause of death of Darwin. Heart disease alone is estimated to be driven by Chagas suffered.
The death of Darwin is actually a misnomer, because he is the son and grandson of a medical expert. More than 2 dozen diagnoses, including Skizophrenia dropped and variety of drugs are given, but to no avail. The doctors confused with the symptoms experienced by darwin.
Cohen said the study does add to his admiration for the Darwin. "It's hard to know how the disease affects his work. But productivity never decreases," he said as quoted by AP.
To conclude the illness of Darwin, Cohen does not use X-ray analysis of blood or whatever, because he did not have it. Cohen only analyze the many symptoms of illness experienced by Darwin.


12 funny and uniquely inspired by female breasts

1.Boob Tube Beer Bong



2.Boob Can Topper



3.Boobie Hot Water Bottle



4.Boob Scarf



5.Boob Tube TV Remote



6.Shower Breasts Dispenser



7.Big Breasted Mouse Pads



8.Boob Slippers



9.Breast Mouse



10.Boob Radio



11.Boob Stress Relievers



12.Boob Cake



Habit 1: Be Proactive
Being proactive is more than just taking the initiative. Being proactive means to be responsible for our own behavior (in the past, in the present, and in the future), and make choices based on the principles and values ​​rather than on the mood or circumstance. Proactive people are agents of change and choose not to become victims, to not be reactive, to not blame others. They do this by developing and using the four unique human gifts - self awareness, conscience, imagination, and free will - and by using the approach from the inside out to create change. They were determined to be the creative driving force in their own lives, which is the most fundamental decisions that can be taken per person.
Habit 2: Referring to the End
Everything is created twice - first mentally, physically second. Individuals, families, teams and organizations, shaping the future of each by first creating the vision and objectives of each project it mentally. They are not live their lives day after day without clear goals in their minds. Mentally they identify the principles, values, relationships, and goals are most important to their own and make a commitment to yourself to do it. A mission statement is the highest form of mental creation, which can be prepared by an individual, family, or organization. Pernyataaan this mission is a major decision, because the underlying other decisions. Creating a common culture of the mission, vision, and values, is the essence of leadership.
Habit 3: First things first President
Putting the main thing is the creation of both a physical. Putting the primary means to organize and carry out, what the mental creation (your goals, your vision, your values, and your priorities.) Secondary things do not come first. The main points are not dikebelakangkan. Individuals and organizations focus on what is most important, whether urgent or not. The point is to keep the main thing the main.
Habit 4: Think Win / Win
Think win / win is a way of thinking that trying to achieve mutual benefit, and is based on mutual respect in all interactions. Think win / win is based on the abundance - "cake" is forever enough, opportunity, wealth and resources are plentiful - rather than on scarcity and competition. Think win / win means not thinking selfishly (win / lose) or like a martyr (lose / win). In working life and family, its members think interdependent - with the term "we" instead of "I". Think win / win solution to the conflict and help encourage each individual to seek solutions that are equally beneficial. Think win / win means to share information, power, recognition, and rewards.
Habit 5: Seek First to Understand, New Understood
If we listen carefully, to understand others, rather than to respond, we begin true communication and relationship building. If others feel understood, they feel affirmed and valued, would open up, so that the opportunity to speak openly and be understood come much more naturally and easily. Trying to understand takes kindness; trying to be understood takes courage. Effectiveness lies in the balance between them.
Habit 6: Realize Synergies
Synergy is about producing a third alternative - not my way, not your way, but a third way that is better than the way each of us. Utilizing the existing differences in solving problems, taking advantage of opportunities. The teams and families that synergistically leverages the power of each individual so that the whole is greater this way waive mutual harm (1 + 1 = 1 / 2). They are not satisfied with the compromise (1 + 1 = 1 ½), or just co (1 + 1 = 2). Rather, they are pursuing a creative collaboration (1 + 1 = 3 or more).
Habit 7: Sharpen the Saw
Sharpening the saw is about constantly renewing ourselves in the four basic areas of life: physical, social / emotional, mental, and spiritual. Habit is what increases our capacity to apply separately other effective habits. For an organization, Habit 7 promote vision, renewal, continuous improvement, awareness of fatigue or deterioration of morals, and position the organization in the way of new growth. For a family, Habit 7 enhance the effectiveness of past activities of individuals and families on a regular basis, such as forming the traditions that stimulate the spirit of family renewal.
Emotional Bank Account
Emotional Bank Account reflects the level of trust in a relationship. As the financial accounts at the bank, we enter the deposits into or withdrawals from this account. Acts such as trying to understand it first, generous attitude, keep their promises, and be faithful even if the person is not present, increase the balance of the trust. Not generous, violate a promise, and gossiping about someone who is not present, reducing or even eliminating the trust in a relationship.
The paradigm is the way each person views the world, which is not necessarily match the reality. Paradigm is a map, not the territory.
