Someone reportedly wanted to buy the copyrights to the video s3ks reality show star Kim Kardashian from Vivid Entertainment. Mysterious person was reportedly prepared to pay a record that is priced the initial U.S. $ 30 million (USD 255.3 billion). The mysterious man had hired a lawyer from Tennessee to buy the copyright of the tape. The lawyer had already sent a letter to boss Steve Hirsch's Vivid Entertainment has Kardashian sex tape. "Parties that we represent will not distribute or publish the tape and hope the tape can be stopped circulation," said attorney Adam Dread in a letter sent to Hirsch and TMZ obtained. In response, Hirsch tells TMZ, Wednesday, August 31, 2011, "I do not know who the people behind this offer." Vivid got a copyright on the recording at a price of millions of dollars in 2007. According to Hirsch, is currently negotiating the initial price to the copyright of the tape is U.S. $ 30 million. "If the person is Kim, I am very honored," said Hirsch. "He's got my phone number and can call me anytime." In February 2007, Kardashian record scenes intimate relationship with her boyfriend at the time, Ray J. Video recording was leaked on the Internet and became gossip in cyberspace. Although Kardashian strives to record a duration of 39 minutes is not leaking, the video has been viewed millions of times. Kardashian recently married himself with Kriss Humphries two weeks ago.